[self-help] Happiness Beyond Thought A Practical Guide to Awakening by Gary Weber | 805.87 KB
Title: Happiness Beyond Thought: A Practical Guide to Awakening
Author: Gary Weber
So many people live in unhappiness. Are you one of them? Do your bad habits taunt you? Do your thoughts torment you? You can be a changed person! You can live a happy life! This book can change your world!
I was in a similar situation as you. I faced life every day with the knowledge that I’d have yet another battle to fight, another demon to face. Oh yeah, I had my demons! Self-doubt. Worry over what lay ahead. Anxiety over what others thought about me.
Finally, after many long days of being in a deep dark hole that I couldn’t seem to claw my way out of, I decided that I’d had enough of being scared of life. I chose to break free and be a new me. But how?
I sought out a counselor and found my therapy sessions to be very helpful. Her techniques in changing the thought process were remarkable, but without changing my habits to follow suit, sustaining those happy thoughts I had become accustomed to during therapy was nearly impossible.
However, I’ve since created my own formula for helping others to overcome their self-doubt, anxiety, and worry. And I take it two steps further as we tackle bad habits and create long-lasting happiness. These two steps are a vital part of the process, as all three parts of the formula work together to create a new, changed person – a new you.